Tuesday, June 4, 2019

You're Having What With Your Fries??? Ketchup+Mayo=Fry Sauce & More Possibilities

Ketchup!!! Ketchup!!!  I have ketchup to dip my french fries into!!!  Don't bother me with anything else to in which to dip my fries!!!

If that's your attitude, you're quite close-minded and probably hypocritical.  Most of you have probably heard of--and really love--chili cheese fries.

In Utah, if you go into a fast food restaurant--even national chains--and order french fries, you probably won't get ketchup with your fries.  You'll most likely get a sauce packet consisting of a ketchup + mayo combination that's labeled . . .


You might be asking how that got started?  Many people in Utah belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  When members turn 18 and have graduated from High School, they're eligible to go on a mission for the Church.  These missions are in every country on the planet that allows proselyting--including Europe.

Early missionaries to Europe found their favorite fast food restaurants over there and ordered food--with french fries.  When they got their order, they saw that they were served mayo with their fries.  You see, Europeans eat mayo with their fries.  The missionaries likely had to specifically order ketchup to have with their fries; but, they still had the mayo that they were served.  So, to be polite, they kept the mayo and decided to try something new.  They dipped their fries in the ketchup and the mayo.  Apparently, it was a hit. 

When the missionaries returned home, they brought with them the new idea of dipping fries in a ketchup and mayo combination.  They took this idea and marketed it to the fast food restaurants--including the national chains.  These fast food restaurants took the idea and created FRY SAUCE packets.  It's quite popular in the state of Utah.  In fact, many people in Utah wonder why it hasn't caught on nationwide!

You may be saying:  But I went to Europe and got ketchup with my order of french fries!!  Well, Europeans learned from that experience as well.  They learned that Americans like ketchup with their fries.  So, if you go into any restaurant in Europe and order with an American accent, they will serve you ketchup with your fries.

There are other sauces you can dip your fries into as well:

BBQ sauce
steak sauce
honey mustard (or do honey or mustard separately)
ice cream
whipped cream
any salad dressing
peanut butter
sour cream
cheese sauce
salsa-cheese combo.
chocolate sauce
caramel sauce
your favorite healthy shake/smoothie
hot sauce
tartar sauce

You can even come up with your own ideas.  After all, french fries are made of potatoes, and so are potato chips.  So, anything you can have with potato chips can be applied to french fries.

So, some of the ideas above may be a little too creative for you.  Remember, these are dipping sauces.  You only have to dip your fry in once to try it.  If you don't like it, you don't have to dip again.

Remember, variety is the spice of life!!  Enjoy your french fries!!!

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