Saturday, February 23, 2019

How To Modify Recipes To Make Them Healthier

So, you want to eat healthier.  Great!!!  Now, how do you do that?  You want to eat food that tastes great and you don't want to give up your favorite recipes.  Guess what?  You don't have to give up your favorite recipes!!!  You can make them healthier.  Now, how do you do that?  Experts tell us that we're eating too much fat, sugar, and salt.  So, let's concentrate on modifying those recipes to account for fat, sugar, and salt.  Here are some suggestions:


1.  Familiarize yourself with good and bad fats.

2.  Applesauce may be substituted in some baked (i.e. cakes and cookies) goods for fat.  1c. fat = 1c. applesauce.  However, this will affect the texture and taste of the final product.  Completely substituting all fat with applesauce in a baked good is not recommended.  Try substituting half the fat with applesauce instead.

3.  When choosing a cooking oil or fat to use in a recipe, you'll want to choose one with the least amount of SFA's and have more MUFA's and PUFA's.  Also, try to avoid trans-fatty acids as much as possible.

4.  If you decide to replace a solid fat with a cooking oil in a baked good, you may need to add more thickening agents to the recipe (i.e. flour). 

5.  Not all margarines are created equal.  Be sure you check the nutrition label and ingredients list for the breakdown of SFA's, MUFA's, PUFA's, and trans-fat.

6.  It is recommended to keep fat intake to less than 30% of your total calorie intake for each day.  Instead, eat more fruits and vegetables--you need 5 servings of these each day and they make you feel full faster (and they contain no fat).

7.  You can have your fried chicken and eat it too.  It all has to do with your choice in cooking oils.  Healthy frying is possible.

8.  For meat, eat more fish and chicken. Substitute ground turkey or chicken for ground beef. Remove the skin from chicken before cooking.  Eat leaner cuts of beef and pork, and trim as much visible fat as possible before cooking.

9.  Bake, broil, or grill meats. Avoid breaded meats and vegetables.

10.  Use fat-free or reduced-fat milk instead of whole milk. Instead of sour cream, try nonfat plain yogurt or a blend of yogurt and low-fat cottage cheese. Use low-fat cheeses.

11.  In recipes, use two egg whites instead of one whole egg.

12.  Avoid cream and cheese sauces, or make recipes with low-fat milk and cheese.

13.  Instead of chips, snack on pretzels or unbuttered popcorn.

14.  When eating in a restaurant, ask that the sauces and dressings be served on the side.

15.  Try cooking with herbs, spices, lemon juice, etc., instead of butter or margarine.


1.  Did you know that the sweetness of sugars is based on table sugar (sucrose)?  Fructose (sugar in fruit) is sweeter than sucrose and sucrose is sweeter than glucose (blood sugar).  Familiarize yourself with basic sugars.  Instead of using brown sugar, molasses, powdered sugar, etc., try using just sugar or honey.  (Exceptions:  Icings/frostings require powdered sugar and sugar is necessary if yeast is an ingredient.)

2.  Most dessert (and even some pastry) recipes call for more sugar than is needed for the recipe to taste good.  Try reducing the sugar in 1/2c. increments (or 1/4c. increments) each time you make your recipe until you find the desired taste for you and your family. 

3.  If you are using fruit in the recipe, very ripe fruit is high in fructose which is sweeter than sugar.  If you're making a dessert recipe that calls for fruit, try using very ripe fruit and try reducing the sugar you add in the recipe even more (1c. or more).  See Banana Nut Cookies (with chocolate chips).  Below the original Mrs. Field's recipe is a healthier version of the recipe with less sugar.

4.  Avoid artificial sweeteners.  Since they're not natural molecules, the body will treat them like fat.  Also, artificial sweeteners have been linked to strokes in women.

5.  Many recipes call for seasonings.  These seasonings spice things up and even act as sweeteners.  If the recipe calls for seasonings, try reducing the sugar that the recipe calls for by at least 1/2c.  It's easy to do in recipes like pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

6.  If possible, you may use Agave syrup.  Just 2/3 cup of it can be substituted for every cup of sugar. When using it, combine it with wet ingredients before adding dry ingredients.

7.  Replace up to 1/4 of the sugar in your recipe with powdered milk to add a boost of nutrition and sweetness. For instance, use 1/4 cup powdered milk and 3/4 cup sugar when your cookie recipe requires 1 cup of sugar.

8.  Need some hard facts and rules?

***Need some help believing you can reduce sugar and fat in these recipes?  Check out the Banana Nut Cookies (with chocolate chips) recipe on this site.  Below the original Mrs. Field's recipe is a healthier version of the recipe with less sugar and fat.***


There are many salts in this world; but, when talking about salt in the diet, we're talking about sodium chloride (NaCl).  Many Americans get too much salt in their diet.  Sodium is the main culprit of concern as it can affect blood pressure.  Salt is also necessary in the diet, so finding a balance is necessary.  The best advice is to cut out added salt (salt you add at the kitchen table).

One way to cut out added salt (and the best way) is to leave it off the table and replace it with your spice rack.  Many of the herbs and seasonings in your spice rack can complement and add to the flavor of your food.  Many of these herbs also have awesome health benefits.  Let you and your family experiment with these seasonings on various dishes.  This will be a learning experience; but, it will be well worth it.  You and your family will learn what seasonings work best with which dishes; and, you'll learn to ditch the salt.

There are lots of hidden salt (and sugar) in many of the foods you buy at the supermarket.  Try buying the low sodium versions when possible.  You may also want to make your own sauces and snack foods at home to further reduce salt and sugar.

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Monday, February 18, 2019

Herbs and Health

For centuries, many cultures used herbs almost exclusively to cure every known illness.  Research has shown that plants (fruits, vegetables, and herbs) contain phytonutrients.  These are natural chemicals in plants that make them biologically active and give plants the abilities they have on the human body.  In fact, the pharmaceutical industry is based on the ability to identify and isolate these nutrients; and, make these chemical nutrients available in a purer form.

Herbs can do many amazing healing functions in the body; and, are less likely to cause the side effects seen in prescription or over-the-counter drugs.  Caution, however, must be used when using herbs to help with various ailments as many herbs are quite potent.  Some herbs can be deadly if used for prolonged periods of time.  The active ingredients in some herbs may interact negatively with some prescription medications.  So, if you're being treated by a doctor for any reason, let the doctor know what herbs you are taking or plan to take.  

Before you consider using herbs, be sure to look up their full list of benefits, side effects, drug interactions, toxicities, and dosages on places like WebMD.  A good google search will also help.  There are many ways herbs can be used:  compresses, teas, essential oils, extracts, ointments or salves, poultices, and powders.

All herbs/seasonings have health benefits.  Below is a list of SOME herbs with their healing properties, ailments,  and human systems with which they can help:

Detoxifies the body, diuretic, inflammation, lowers cholesterol, balances hormones, antifungal, bleeding disorders, bone and joint disorders, digestive disorders, skin disorders, and ulcers.

Aloe Vera
Heals burns and wounds (externally), cell regeneration, astringent, emollient, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, (internally) soothes stomach, aids healing, laxative.

Digestion, clears mucus from air passages, infections, promotes milk production in nursing mothers, sinusitis, menopause.

Protects immune system, adrenal gland function, digestion, increases metabolism, produces sweat, promotes healing, combats fatigue, increases stamina, colds, flu, cancer, chronic lung problems.

Decreases heart rate, slows breathing, reduces bronchial constriction, antibacterial on skin, stimulates intestinal movement.

Congestion, aids circulation, fever, astringent, helpful to stop bleeding, circulation, fever, hypothyroidism, ulcers, eyes, immune system.

Insulin levels, strengthen connective tissue, diuretic, hypoglycemia, inflammation, stress, anxiety, night blindness, cataracts, may halt or prevent macular degeneration.

Diuretic, inflammation, pain, joint pain, urinary tract infections, (externally) boils and sores.

Black Cohosh
Hypertension, cholesterol, reduces mucus production, cardiovascular and circulatory disorders, induces labor, hot flashes, menstrual cramps with back pain, morning sickness, pain, arthritis.

Black Walnut
Digestion, promotes healing of mouth or throat sores, parasites, bruising, antifungal, herpes, poison ivy, warts.

Blessed Thistle
Increases appetite and stomach secretions, liver, inflammation, circulation, purifies the blood, strengthens the heart, brain food, female disorders, milk flow in nursing mothers.

Blue Cohosh
Muscle spasms, stimulates uterine contractions in childbirth, memory problems, menstrual disorders, nervous disorders.

Congestion, loosens phlegm, fever, increases perspiration, calms the body, laxative, inflammation, bronchitis, aches and pains.

Adrenal tonic, gland balancer, cardiovascular function, healthy skin and nails.

Inflammation of the colon, gums, mucous membranes, prostate, sinuses, and vagina.  Bladder and kidney problems, diabetes, digestion, fluid retention, prostate disorders, bladder infections.

Purifies blood, restores liver and gallbladder function, immune system, skin disorders such as boils and carbuncles, relieves gout symptoms.

Butcher's Broom
Inflammation, carpal tunnel, circulation, edema, meniere's disease, obesity, raynaud's phenomenon, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, vertigo, bladder, and kidneys.

Inflammation, skin soother, regulates the menstrual cycles, fever, skin disorders like rashes and sunburn, neuritis, toothache, diaper rash, skin problems in small children.

Cascara Sagrada
Colon cleanser, laxative, constipation, parasites.

Fever, digestion, sleep, stress, stimulates appetite, anxiety, colds and flu, inflammation, pain.

Cat's Claw
Cleanses intestinal tract, enhances actions of white blood cells, antioxidant, inflammation, viral infections, arthritis, cancer, ulcers.

Digestion, circulation, stops bleeding from ulcers, catalyst for other herbs, heart, kidneys, lungs, pancreas, spleen, arthritis, rheumatism, colds, sinus infections, sore throats, pain (externally), with lobelia (another herb) used for nerves.

Antiviral, antifungal, immune system, increases venous blood flow, expectorant, lymphatic cleanser, urinary antiseptic, (externally) warts.

Hypertension, muscle spams, improves appetite, arthritis, kidney, antioxidant, sedative.

Inflammation, appetite stimulant, digestion, diuretic, nerve tonic, sleep, colitis, diverticulosis, fever, headaches, pain, stress, anxiety.

Free radical scavenger, protects from radiation and sun exposure, skin disorders, protects against the formation of tumors and cancer cells, pain.

Reduces mucus in lungs, lower blood lipids, bronchitis, circulation, colds, coughs, skin diseases, warts, good source of vitamin C.

Diarrhea, nausea, congestion, peripheral circulation,  warms the body, digestion, metabolism of fats, antifungal, diabetes, weight loss, yeast infections, uterine hemorrhaging.

Antiseptic, parasites, digestion, (externally) mouth pain.

Wound healing, various skin conditions, bleeding hemorrhoids, leg ulcers, nosebleeds.

Corn Silk
Bladder, kidneys, small intestine, diuretic, bed-wetting, carpal tunnel syndrome,edema, obesity, PMS, prostate, removes mucus from urine.

Prevents bacteria from adhering to the bladder, urinary tract infections, good source of vitamin C.

Stimulates muscular contractions of the intestinal tract and brings oxygen to the genital area, energy tonic, aphrodisiac.

Cleanses blood and liver, increases production of bile, diuretic, reduces serum cholesterol and uric acid, kidneys, pancreas, spleen, stomach, abscesses, anemia, boils, breast tumors, cirrhosis of the liver, rheumatism.

Dong Quai
Ovarian and testicular hormones, female problems such as menopause and PMS, vaginal dryness.

Stimulates certain white blood cells, inflammation, antiviral, immune system, lymphatic system, colic, colds, flu, infectious illnesses.

Builds the blood, cleanses the system, constipation, immune system, inflammation, increases perspiration, fever, respiratory tract, circulation, antioxidant, skin irritations.

Congestion, diuretic, relieves bronchial spams, stimulates the central nervous system, decreases appetite, elevates mood, allergies, asthma, colds, general respiratory complaints, depression obesity.

Congestion, antiseptic, inflammation, relaxes tired and sore muscles, colds, coughs, other respiratory disorders.

Eye wash, eyestrain or minor irritation of eyes, allergies, itchy and/or watery eyes, runny nose, hay fever.

False Unicorn Root
Balances sex hormones, infertility, menstrual irregularities and pain, PMS, prostate, may help prevent miscarriage.

Appetite suppressant, eyewash, kidneys, liver, spleen, clears lungs, abdominal pain, colon disorders, gas, GI spasms.

Laxative, lubricates intestines, fever, eyes, asthma, sinuses (reduces mucus), inflammation, lung disorders.

Increases fluidity of lung and bronchial tube mucus, promotes menses, stimulates appetite, stimulates uterine contractions, arthritis, colitis, fever, headaches, menstrual problems, muscle tension, pain.

Bones, nails, teeth, skin, colon, female disorders, inflammation.

Detoxifies body, enhances immune function, hypertension, circulation, lowers blood lipid levels, arteriosclerosis, arthritis, asthma, cancer, cold and flu, digestion, heart, insomnia, liver, sinuses, ulcers, yeast infections.

Digestion, circulation, kills plasmodia (causes malaria) and worms, stimulates appetite, pancreatitis, parasites.

Cleanses colon, reduces spasms and cramps, circulation, antioxidant, antimicrobial for sores and wounds, fever, hot flashes, morning sickness, motion sickness, nausea, vomiting.

Brain function, circulation, oxygenation, depression, headaches, memory, tinnitis, leg cramps, asthma, eczema, heart, kidneys.

Adrenal and reproductive glands, immune system, lung function, stimulates appetite, bronchitis, circulation, diabetes, infertility, lack of energy, stress, cocaine withdrawal, protects against radiation exposure, body strengthening.

Antibiotic, cleanses the body, inflammation, insulin resistance, immune system,colon, liver, pancreas, spleen, lymphatic system, respiratory system, cleanses mucous membranes, digestion, regulates menses, decreases uterine bleeding, hypertension, stimulates the central nervous system, ulcers, bladder, prostate, vagina, can stop a cold or flu from developing.

Gotu Kola
Diuretic, fatigue, depression, libido, shrinks tissues, stimulates the central nervous system, fever, heart, liver, circulation, connective tissue disorders, kidneys stones, poor appetite, sleep.

Gravel Root
Diuretic, urinary tract tonic, prostate.

Green Tea
Fatigue, may lower the risk of esophageal, stomach, colon, and skin cancer, delays arteriosclerosis.

Dilates coronary blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, restores heart muscle, anemia, circulation, immune system.

Anxiety, heart, hyperactivity, insomnia, nervousness, pain, restlessness, STD's, shock, stress, toothaches, ulcers.

Respiratory disorders, fever, sinusitis, immune system.

Calcium absorption, skin, bone, hair, nails, teeth, healing of broken bones and connective tissues, heart, lungs, diuretic, arthritis, bone diseases, bronchitis, edema, gallbladder, inflammation, muscle cramps, prostate, (poultice) depresses bleeding and accelerates healing of burns and wounds.

Diuretic, kidneys, bladder infections, obesity, prostate, kidney stones (when combined with gravel root).

Congestion, blood pressure, gas, (externally) wound healing, circulation, epilepsy, fever, gout, weight problems, (poultice) heal cuts.

Irish Moss
Aids in the formation of stools, intestinal disorders, used in skin lotions.

Diuretic, blood sugar, inflammation, congestion, asthma, bladder infections, gout, kidneys, obesity, prostate.

Kava Kava
Relaxation, diuretic, genitourinary antiseptic, anxiety, depression, insomnia, stress.

Stress, depression, skin, burns, headaches, psoriasis.

Lemon Grass
Astringent and tonic properties, skin and nails.

Cleanses colon, muscular spasms, respiratory disorders, adrenal glands, has female-like effects, stimulates interferon, allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue, depression, fever, herpes, hypoglycemia, inflammatory bowel disorders, ulcers, GI disorders.  Use with caution.

Cough, hormone production, colds, fever, respiratory disorders, flu, heart disease, epilepsy, pain, viruses.

Skin, mucous membranes, diuretic, expectorant, bladder infections, digestion, headaches, kidneys, sinusitis, sore throat.

Milk Thistle
Contains the most potent liver-protecting substances known, antioxidant, prevents formation of damaging leukotrienes, kidneys, adrenal disorders, inflammatory bowel disorders, immune system, psoriasis.

Laxative, pain, sleep, warts, respiratory disorders, earache, hay fever, swollen glands, kidneys, inflammation.

Digestion, aids in metabolism of fat. (Externally) chest congestion, inflammation, injuries, joint pain.

Antiseptic, disinfectant, deodorizer, bacteria in the mouth, bad breath, periodontal disease, skin, ulcers.

Diuretic, expectorant, pain, anemia, arthritis, hay fever, allergies, kidneys, malabsorption syndrome, goiter, inflammation, respiratory problems.

Oat Straw
Depression, restorative nerve tonic, promotes sweating, bed-wetting, skin, insomnia.

Oregon Grape
Purifies blood, cleanses liver, skin-including acne and psoriasis.

Stimulates appetite, digestion, heartburn, inflammatory bowel disorders.

Prevents multiplication of tumor cells, expels worms, gas, digestion, freshens breath, bladder, kidney, liver, lung, thyroid, bed-wetting, diuretic, hypertension, obesity, prostate.

Passion Flower
Sedative, anxiety, hyperactivity, insomnia, neuritis, stress.

Pau D'arco
Antibacterial, cleanses blood, healing effects, candidiasis, smoker's cough, warts, infections, AIDS, allergies, cancer, heart problems, inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatism, ulcers.

Digestion, chills, colic, diarrhea, headache, heart trouble, nausea, poor appetite, rheumatism, spasms.

Respiratory problems, urinary tract, (topically) antibiotic effect for sores and wounds, bed-wetting, (poultice) bee stings and any kind of bite.

Weight loss, hypertension, alcoholism, arthritis, hot flashes, menstrual problems, multiple sclerosis, skin.


Red Clover
Antibiotic, appetite suppressant, blood purifier, relaxant, infections, AIDS, inflamed lungs, inflammatory bowel disorders, kidney, liver, skin, immune system.

Red Raspberry
Decreases menstrual bleeding, relaxes uterine and intestinal spasms, strengthens uterine walls, nails, bones, teeth, skin, diarrhea, female disorders, canker sores, morning sickness when combined with peppermint.

Eliminates worms, gallbladder, antibiotic properties, colon, spleen, liver, ulcers, constipation, malabsorption.

All infections and bladder problems, good source of vitamin C, rose hip tea is good for diarrhea.

Antibacterial, relaxes stomach, circulation, digestion, acts as astringent and decongestant, brain, liver, anticancer properties, headaches, blood pressure, menstrual cramps.

Stimulates the central nervous system, digestion, estrogenic effects on the body, reduces sweating and salivation, menopause, disorders of mouth and throat, dries up milk when women stop nursing.

St. Johnswort
Antiviral, HIV, herpes, depression, nerve pain.

Increases energy, protects against radiation exposure, regulates hormones, diuretic, hives, impotence, infertility, nervous system disorders, PMS, blood impurities.

Saw Palmetto
Diuretic, urinary antiseptic, stimulates appetite, enlarged prostate.

Sleep, circulation, heart, anxiety, fatigue, headache, hyperactivity, nervous disorders, rheumatism, muscle cramps, pain, spasms, stress, barbiturate withdrawal.

Slippery Elm
Inflammation, digestion, urinary tract, diarrhea, ulcers, colds, flu, sore throat.

Pelvic congestion, soothes nervous system, menstrual cramps, childbirth.

Anemia, fatigue, stress, immune system, cancer, AIDS, liver, hypertension.

Tea Tree
Disinfecting wounds and healing all skin conditions, acne, athletes's foot, cuts, scrapes, antifungal, herpes, insect bites, scabies, vaginitis, warts, (gargle with water) colds and sore throats, (douche) yeast infections.

Gas, fever, headaches, reduces mucus, antiseptic, lowers cholesterol, respiratory problems, liver, scalp itching caused by candidiasis.

Liver, inhibits platelet aggregation, lowers cholesterol, antibiotic, anticancer, inflammation, antioxidant.

Uva Ursi
Diuretic, strengthens heart muscle, spleen, liver, pancreas, small intestine, bladder and kidney infections, diabetes, prostate.

Circulation, sedative, reduces mucus from colds, anxiety, fatigue, hypertension, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, menstrual cramps, muscle cramps, nervousness, pain, spasms, stress, ulcers.

White Oak
Antiseptic, skin wounds, bee stings, burns, diarrhea, nosebleed, poison ivy, varicose veins, teeth.

Wild Yam
Muscle spams, inflammation, promotes perspiration, has progesterone-like effects, gallbladder, hypoglycemia, kidney stones, female disorders such as PMS and menopause.

Pain, headaches, backaches, nerve pain, toothache, injuries.

Pain, inflammation, arthritis, headache, toothache, muscle pain, rheumatic complaints.

Witch Hazel
(Topically)-astringent and healing properties, itching, hemorrhoids, phlebitis, skin.

Wood Betony
Stimulates the heart, relaxes muscles, hyperactivity, neuritis.

Sedative, expels worms, digestion, fever, vascular disorders, migraine.

Heals mucous membranes, inflammation, improves blood clotting, increases perspiration, diuretic, fever, colitis, viral infections.

Yellow Dock
Blood purifier and cleanser, colon, liver, anemia, skin disorders-eczema, hives, psoriasis, rashes.

Yerba Mate
Cleanses blood, controls appetite, fights aging, stimulates the minds, stimulates cortisone, nervous system, enhances other herbs, allergies, constipation, inflammatory bowel disorders.

Hormone stimulant, libido, erectile dysfunction, increases testosterone levels.  Use with caution.

Blood purifier, arthritis, osteoporosis, inflammation.

As you can see, many herbs are considered every day spices and seasonings.  If you don't have a spice or seasoning for one of your recipes, please consider these substitutions.

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Thursday, February 14, 2019

Healthy Frying

Yes, you can have your fried chicken and eat it too!

It all has to do with the right choice of cooking oils.  Ideally, you want to choose a cooking oil that's low in saturated fat and trans-fat, as well as, high in monounsaturated fat (MUFA's) and polyunsaturated fat (PUFA's).  For more information about finding the right cooking oil with the right fats, check out this blog page.

Next, you want to find the smoke point of your cooking oils.  Smoke point is defined as the temperature at which your cooking oil will break down into free fatty acids, visibly produce smoke, and eventually catch on fire.  

Frying temperatures range from 350-450°F.  So, ideally, you want to find a cooking oil that has a smoke point at least 400℉.  There are different methods of frying--each has a different frying temperature that this web page discusses.  There are many factors that affect the smoke point of a cooking oil.  For more information on these factors and how the smoke point of a cooking oil may be increased, read this Serious Eats page.

As you research the different cooking oils, you'll realize the reason why cooking oils high in saturated fat are used to fry food--they have the higher smoke points.  That's why many of the healthier cooking oils go through a refinement process to increase their smoke point.

Here are some cooking oils and their smoke points (℉):

Canola                             400
Safflower                         510
Sunflower                       440
Corn                                 450
Extra Virgin Olive         375
Soybean                          450
Margarine                      410
Peanut                            440
Vegetable Shortening  360
Palm                                450
Palm Kernel                   450
Coconut                          350
Lard                                 370
Beef Tallow                    400
Butter                              350

For more cooking oils and their smoke points, please visit wikipedia and this site.

Happy Healthy Frying!!!!!

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Monday, February 4, 2019

Boiling Potatoes/Mashed Potatoes

How to Boil Potatoes

Potatoes (washed or peeled)
Milk (optional)
Butter or Margarine (optional)
Healthy Cooking Oil (optional)

Slice or cut potatoes so they will cook faster.  Put the potatoes in a large pot so the pot is about 3/4 full.  Add water until the water level is about 1/4 inch above the potatoes.  Place the pot on one of the burners on the stove and turn the burner onto high heat until water comes to a boil.  Then reduce heat to medium to medium high (make sure the water is still boiling) to help reduce the chances of the water boiling over.  Boil potatoes until fork can easily be inserted into the potato pieces--about 10-30 min.  This means the potatoes are cooked through.  Then drain the water by dumping the potatoes and water into a large strainer.

Mashing Potatoes

Return potatoes back into the pot.  Using a potato masher or electric mixer, mash the potatoes.  You may add a few splashes of milk and/or butter or margarine (about 1/4c.) to make the mashed potatoes creamy.  If you're going dairy free, 2-3 T. cooking oil may be used instead of milk and butter.  

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